Saturday, April 4, 2009

Cloth Diapering

Wouldn't this be cute on Conor's little tushie???

We're considering trying cloth diapers. Most of my preconceived notions about the horrors of CD have turned out to be wrong. Multiples...and More! wrote a fabulous blog entry with an intro to the "new" world of CDs. No more wet pails, dunk & swish, sharp pins, or rubber covers. There's still laundry, and poop, but at least it's fewer loaded sposies sitting in a landfill for generations!


Mike and Kate said...

I was considering cloth diapering and I started reading about it, and OH MY GOODNESS, I was SO overwhelmed by all the information. I guess my fear was that I would invest a bunch of money in cloth diapers and I would hate it, and I would have wasted all that money. Anyway, I ended up buying 20 used Kushies AIO's for $50. They are the infant size, so I will be using disposables until baby gets big enough for them, and if I use them for a few weeks and I hate them, I only spent $50 so I figure I will have gotten my money's worth.

Anyway, good luck!

Emily's Family said...

I love cloth diapering. I also have giveaways on them.

Check out the current giveaways

Art Wall Katie said...

We use G-diapers. If you decide to go with cloth it might be nice to have some G's on hand for when you're going on an outing or need something a little more convenient. Yay for you. Every time I throw a disposable diaper away, it makes me feel so guilty, I hate it. High fives if you dive in!