We're considering trying cloth diapers. Most of my preconceived notions about the horrors of CD have turned out to be wrong. Multiples...and More! wrote a fabulous blog entry with an intro to the "new" world of CDs. No more wet pails, dunk & swish, sharp pins, or rubber covers. There's still laundry, and poop, but at least it's fewer loaded sposies sitting in a landfill for generations!
I was considering cloth diapering and I started reading about it, and OH MY GOODNESS, I was SO overwhelmed by all the information. I guess my fear was that I would invest a bunch of money in cloth diapers and I would hate it, and I would have wasted all that money. Anyway, I ended up buying 20 used Kushies AIO's for $50. They are the infant size, so I will be using disposables until baby gets big enough for them, and if I use them for a few weeks and I hate them, I only spent $50 so I figure I will have gotten my money's worth.
Anyway, good luck!
I love cloth diapering. I also have giveaways on them.
Check out the current giveaways
We use G-diapers. If you decide to go with cloth it might be nice to have some G's on hand for when you're going on an outing or need something a little more convenient. Yay for you. Every time I throw a disposable diaper away, it makes me feel so guilty, I hate it. High fives if you dive in!
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