We took a trip to the country yesterday to visit the rose farm:

I could stay here for hours. The smell is incredible.
The farm is closing after this year - the owners are retiring. Everything is for sale - the house, greenhouses, equipment, even the mother plants. This is a "Distant Drums" mother plant:
We wished her a happy Mother's Day and told her how well her baby plant is doing in our garden.
I've reserved a spot in the garden for a new rose. I had my eye on "Prairie Sunrise":
This one was reserved for some other lucky sucker, and unfortunately it was the last one!
I decided on "Earth Song". Here she is with her friends:
I think she'll do quite nicely.
While we were there, we met the nicest group of girls. They've worked at the farm for as long as they can remember and are so sad it's closing. They don't have anywhere else to go, so we offered for them to come live with us and help tend our garden. They happily agreed!
Meet Jo, Billie, Frankie, Sam, and Andi:
The other girls gossiping while Jo gets her picture taken:
They think she wears too much lipstick. I think she's lovely.

The farm is closing after this year - the owners are retiring. Everything is for sale - the house, greenhouses, equipment, even the mother plants. This is a "Distant Drums" mother plant:
I've reserved a spot in the garden for a new rose. I had my eye on "Prairie Sunrise":
I decided on "Earth Song". Here she is with her friends:
While we were there, we met the nicest group of girls. They've worked at the farm for as long as they can remember and are so sad it's closing. They don't have anywhere else to go, so we offered for them to come live with us and help tend our garden. They happily agreed!
Meet Jo, Billie, Frankie, Sam, and Andi:
Originally uploaded by karmadee
It's raining today so they were hard to photograph. We'll try again tomorrow - they want a nice picture to send to their friends.The other girls gossiping while Jo gets her picture taken: